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The Parish Council of Ministries (PCM) is the primary advisory body to the pastor. They serve two to three year terms. Each of the five commissions discerns members to represent them on the Council. The Pastor may appoint two to four at large members to the PCM. The Council operates in a collaborative manner and is committed to a consensus model of advising the Pastor. The Council is responsible for the overall mission of our parish community, the continuing development of our parish vision, reviewing of any long-range capital campaign projects and policies pertaining to parish life.

Amy Sabor - Chair - email

Barbara Wagner - Faith Formation & Catechesis 

Mark Sabor - Faith Formation & Catechesis 

Tom Krissek - Worship

Kathleen Hunt - Worship 

Jon Marion - Evangelization & Spiritual Life

Julie Herchenbach - Evangelization & Spiritual Life

Charlotte Nielsen - Parish Life 

Paula & Tom Mengarelli- Parish Life 

Mary Pieper - Human Concerns  

Susan Tebbetts - Human Concerns 

                         - Office of the Pastor

Catherine Karl - Pastor Appointment 

Fr. Chris Ciastoń - Pastor

Fellowship of Women - Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women

                        - Deanery Representative


The Parish Finance Council works closely with the Pastor, who is accountable to the people of Saint Paul and the bishop for the administration and stewardship of the temporal goods of the parish. The Pastor, according to Canon Law, has among his responsibilities the supervision of parish financial and temporal management. The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that advises and collaborates with the Pastor and the Business Manager in ensuring that we meet these obligations. Full consultation is at the heart of all of our financial decision-making process. The full sharing of financial information, developing the preview of the annual parish budget and the sharing of wisdom regarding the financial operation of the parish are keys to the work of the committee. Both the Pastor and the council members discern membership on the Finance Council. Terms on this leadership body are two to four years.

Char Nielsen

Dave Grum

Bud Reed

David Klemann

Wilfred Ridao

Bob Sekany

Nicholas Nista

Fr. Chris Ciastoń

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